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Strategy to Build Customer Relationships

23 February 2021

Image of Strategy to Build Customer Relationships

One of the most important things in running a business and business is paying attention to customers and building good relationships with customers. A good relationship with customers will make the company know the information needed by customers, complaints experienced by customers, and the level of satisfaction that customers have with the company's products and services. This is important for business owners to find out what customers need so that companies can provide appropriate products and services according to the needs of their customers.

Customers are the main element and also the most valuable assets owned by the company. The more companies have customers, the more the company will grow. So it is important that the company must be able to build good relationships with customers in order to create customer loyalty. It takes the right strategy in building relationships with customers so that the relationship is built to be good. Especially in this digital era, business competition is not only about innovating products and services that are created, but also fighting over the position and hearts of its customers is an important element for the progress of the company. Here are strategies you can use to build customer relationships:

1. Responding to Customers Quickly
In building relationships with customers, of course, good and precise communication is needed. Companies must be able to provide services to their customers with a fast response and whenever customers need assistance 24/7. Customers must get priority to be satisfied with the service from the company. In today's digital era, companies must be able to communicate using various channels. Of course, to make it easier to reach customers on each platform.

2. Informing the Latest Products and Services
Companies must be able to provide information about new and interesting knowledge for customers. In providing the latest product and service information from the company, use a narrative that is well-targeted and also information-intensive. Building relationships with customers, one of which is by providing information about the latest products and services to customers, can be via the telephone, email, or social media so that customers are aware of the latest information.

3. Treat Customers Personally
Loyal customers are one of the company's important assets. Companies must be able to categorize customers appropriately so that the delivery of messages can be more personal so that customers feel cared for. Another way of personalization is to respond to comments submitted by customers on social media or other media so that customers feel heard so that it makes the relationship with customers better.

4. Give something that exceeds expectations
Customers buying a company's product or service certainly have expectations related to that product or service. Here, the company must be able to meet these customer expectations, and also the company needs to raise the standard more than what is offered. For example, by providing offers or promotions more than what is offered so that it can provide satisfaction beyond what customers expect. When a customer has a good impression of the company, the customer will come back to buy the company's products and services.

5. Giving Gifts
One way to build good relationships with customers is by giving gifts. Giving gifts is prioritized for loyal customers, but companies must also be able to give gifts to new customers as an appreciation for using the company's products and services. The prizes offered can be in the form of vouchers, discounts, points, souvenirs, or other special offers as an expression of gratitude to customers and proof of the company's concern for its customers. Giving gifts or rewards can attract the attention of customers so that they will be closer to the company.

6. Maintaining Customer Loyalty
The company must also be able to focus on its loyal customers and must be able to be maintained. Loyal customers will be the main support as a promotional media regarding the company's products and services to their immediate environment. So it is important to maintain customer loyalty.

7. Ask for Customer Feedback or Testimonials
Companies must be able to seek customer feedback in order to improve service so that they will get customer satisfaction in the hope that customers can make repeat purchases and increase sales. There are various ways to get feedback and testimonials such as distributing questionnaires, holding quizzes on social media, and also conducting direct interviews. Customers will usually like to give opinions regarding the products and services they have used so that from this feedback the company can find the latest solutions for the company's products and services so that it will be increasingly liked by customers.

8. Increase Customer Experience
Customers are very concerned about how the company resolves the problems it is experiencing and know about updates to the handling process carried out by the company. It takes good customer service and customer experience and is also easily contacted by customers so that customers can easily connect and communicate with the company regarding the information needed or the perceived obstacles. Companies must be able to improve their customer experience in order to provide a good experience to customers.

Those are the various strategies that companies can implement to improve relationships with their customers. Various benefits will of course be obtained if the company can build good relationships with customers such as increasing business value, sales promotion with word of mouth can be more effective, get business innovation from customer input, and can increase profits in the long term. Always put customers first in the company's business so that it can run smoothly in the long term.

Building good customer relationships is one of the keys to the success of a business. VADS Indonesia can help your company to build and improve good customer relationships. The various advantages you have for handling customers using voice or digital technology can make your company's work easier, especially in building customer relationships. In addition, your company can interact more quickly with consumers so that it can help answer consumer questions with various questions asked and respond quickly so that it can make consumers happy because they get the answers or solutions needed quickly. This technology can also function for 24 hours so that whenever and whatever time the customer asks, it will be quickly and easily answered. This can make consumers happy and satisfied so that it can improve the customer experience for your company. Visit or contact for more information to help your company build and improve customer relationships.

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